If you are in the Articles tab in the left sidebar and there are no articles in the list, here’s how you can fix that.
No Articles or Few Articles Are Showing Up
You need to add more keywords / broaden your areas of expertise
Articles stream into your platform as a result of the keywords you have as your area of expertise keywords in the settings. Basically, a campaign tells the IR platform to go hunting for articles on the topics listed in your areas of expertise. So if you want more articles, you need to either add more keywords on more topics OR broaden your areas of expertise to include some less specific keywords and topics.
You just set up the campaigns, and the platform is looking
If you just added your campaign, it’s possible that the platform needs 10-15 minutes to look for articles and pull them into the platform. Check back after a little while and you should see a list of articles.
Your areas of expertise are well-targeted but are infrequently covered.
Our platform goes hunting for articles that were published up to 30 days ago, then updates in real-time every 10 minutes. So if your campaign is on a topic that isn’t being covered very often at the moment, it’s possible that Preston will pull in articles, just not very frequently.
Articles Showing Up Are Of Poor Quality / Poorly Scored
Poor quality or poorly scored articles indicate that areas of expertise keywords need to be improved. Try adding more keywords or look for different keywords that are more relevant to trending stories and topics.
Typically, this problem is caused by broad keywords/topics or keywords that are used in a variety of contexts. Look at the article to see if it's about a keyword you entered, but in a different context. For example, maybe you are an insurtech who wants to talk about health care, but all of the articles that are showing up are about health care in terms of patient care instead of insurance. In this case, you can refine your campaigns by removing overly broad keywords in your pitches, campaign titles, and area of expertise keywords.
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